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About Us
Beijing Technology and Business University Library (BTBU) consists of two parts which are located in Liangxiang and Fuchenglu campus, with a total floor area of 24,767 square meters. The library has 6 book banks, 19 reading rooms, with 2687 reading seats in total. The clients-oriented library serves in the ways of open-shelf reading and unified borrow-return operation, with collecting, retrieving, borrowing, reading, and consulting integrated.
BTBU library is committed to excellence: staff members strive to establish a clients’-oriented research library, anticipating information and service needs closely related to the University's goals for research and scholarship, teaching and learning, and service to our university community and key partners.
By the end of 2010, the library’s total collections amount to 1.49 million volumes (books and bound volumes of periodicals), with 860,000 e-books, 1,409 Chinese periodicals and 271 English periodicals subscribed annually; and 54 databases covering various areas. The collections give a priority to the subjects of economy, business administration, chemistry and food engineering technology with consideration to sciences, law, literature and history, relying mainly on printed materials assisted by e-resources and multi-media, so that a distinctive strength is its rich spectrum of financial and economic resources.
BUBU library has introduced an automatic information service system (GDLIS NET) in 2011. The All-in-one Card System is adopted for realizing the functions including borrowing, information retrieval, reading, identity authentication, web searching, etc... With wireless internet network, faculty and students can access e-resources at their convenience in the library.
To be a satisfactory Library and support the university’s mission of teaching and research, the library has employed a variety of modern technologies, which enable faculty and students to search library catalog, place hold and extend borrowing periods online. Multi-media material utilization, e-resource retrieval, interlibrary loan, document delivery service and virtual information consulting are provided as well to make full use of library resources.
The library has set up 4 elective courses for undergraduate and graduate students of all majors, such as: Document Retrieval and Utilization, Introduction to Library, Information Resources Management etc.., The library holds a series of “one hour per weekworkshops” referring to library resources and services every semester. Information skills such as document retrieval and utilization, online database searching, software application are all involved in the workshops. Meanwhile, appointments by class and department on special training lectures are welcome as well.
The library, signing document delivery agreements with Peking University Library and Tsinghua University, enjoys the construction and sharing of information resource. Being a member of China Academic Library & Information System (CALIS) andBeijingAcademic Library Information System (BALIS), the Library dedicates itself to support faculty and students of BTBU in all areas of their research and plays an active role inConsortia Acquisition,Online Cooperative Cataloguing, Interlibrary Loan and CollaborativeReference Service.
BTBU library is striving to be a digitized, open and research library to keep pace with the university's progress. Due to rapidly growing collections and service-oriented information platform, the library provides very strong and continuing support for education and research work. Developments have shaped a new look of our Library.
Library Website: https://lib.btbu.edu.cn/