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李海生 - Li Hai-sheng

李海生 - Li Hai-sheng

李海生,男,工学博士,教授,博士生导师。现任obao欧宝娱乐 计算机学院执行院长兼信息网络中心主任,计算机科学与技术一级学科带头人,中国图学学会第八届理事会常务理事,中国仿真学会人工智能仿真技术专业委员会副主任委员,中国计算机学会杰出会员,北京高教学会计算机教育研究会副理事长,中国人工智能学会智能服务专业委员会委员。获北京市高等教育教学成果一等奖两项,二等奖四项,北京市科技进步三等奖一项,2021年度中国图学学会优秀科技工作者奖。主要研究方向是计算机图形学、科学计算可视化、智能信息处理、教育信息化等。入选 “北京市属高等学校人才强教深化项目中青年骨干人才”计划。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划课题、科技部创新方法工作专项课题、北京市自然科学基金面上项目、北京市自然科学基金-丰台轨道交通前沿研究联合基金资助项目,北京市教委-市自然基金委联合资助项目,横向课题多项。出版学术专著三部,编写教材两部,授权发明专利和软件著作权登记多项。获批2021年北京高校“优质本科教材课件”,在《软件学报》《计算机学报》《计算机研究与发展》《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》《WWWJ》《Multimedia Tools and Applications》《Computers and Electrical Engineering》和《Chinese Journal of Electronics》等杂志发表论文100余篇,其中被SCI/EI收录60余篇。




Resume of LI Hai-sheng

Li Hai-sheng received his Ph.D. degree in computer graphics from Beihang University, China in 2002. He is a professor in school of Computer Science and Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, China. He is the executive director of school of Computer science and engineering and director of information network center in BTBU. He is also the discipline leader in Computer science and technology in BTBU. He is executive member of China Graphics Society council, vice chairman of AI Simulation Technology Committee of China simulation Society, distinguished member of China Computer Federation etc. He was awarded Beijing higher education teaching achievement prize in 2018 and Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Progress Award in 2003 respectively. His current research interests include cross media computing, scientific visualization, intelligent information processing etc. He got the funding project for Academic Human Resources Development in Institutions of Higher Learning Under the Jurisdiction of Beijing Municipality. He is in charge of the supported project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key Research and Development Program, Beijing Natural Science Foundation, Beijing Natural Science Foundation and Fengtai Rail Transit Frontier Research Joint Fund, and several Enterprises and institutions commissioned research projects. He has published three academic monographs and two textbooks. He has registered several software copyright and was granted three invention patents. He has published more than 100 research papers which half of them have been indexed by SCI/EI.

Lecture courses:

Distributed and Cloud Computing; Software Quality Assurance and Testing; Object-oriented Programming; Computer Graphics etc.

